How to Do a Tea Hair Rinse for Stronger Thicker Hair

How to Do a Tea Hair Rinse for Stronger Thicker Hair

Tea is not just for drinking.  It also has health benefits for the hair and scalp.  For centuries, different cultures have harnessed the natural power of plants for holistic beauty solutions. One such practice, gaining renewed popularity among health-conscious individuals, is the tea hair rinse. But what exactly is it, and how can it benefit your hair?


What is a Tea Hair Rinse?

A tea hair rinse is a simple, yet potent hair treatment made by steeping loose-leaf tea (or tea bags) in hot water and applying the cooled liquid to your scalp and hair. Tea hair rinses have been used in different cultures for centuries.  There are several different types of tea hair rinses, depending on your goals.  Different types of tea and herbal blends offer unique properties, targeting various hair and scalp concerns and leaving your locks looking and feeling revitalized.


Benefits of Tea Rinses for Hair and Scalp


  • Promotes Scalp Health:

    Many teas possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties to soothe and nourish the scalp. They are used to address scalp issues like dandruff, dry scalp, and irritation.


  • Boosts Shine and Softness:

    The antioxidants and tannins in tea can help boost natural shine and reduce frizz, leaving your hair smooth and manageable. This is great for those with dull or lackluster hair.


  • Enhances Hair Color:

    Certain teas like black tea and hibiscus can subtly deepen and enrich your natural hair color. Amla is used for hair darkening and gray defense. These tea rinses can amplify hair color or introduce subtle highlights, without the harsh chemicals found in commercial hair dyes.


  • Stimulates Hair Growth:

    Some tea ingredients, like nettle and rosemary, are reported to promote hair growth by improving circulation to the scalp. Green tea and black tea extracts have also been shown to promote hair growth. 


  • Volumizes and Strengthens:

    Tea is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that fortify hair follicles for stronger, healthier hair growth. These essential nutrients provide nourishment from within and minimize breakage. Tea rinses can add texture and body to fine hair, while also strengthening fragile strands.


  • Provides Gentle Detoxification:

    Tea rinses can help remove product buildup and clarify the scalp without stripping its natural oils. The antioxidant polyphenols in tea possess anti-inflammatory activities, stimulate immune function, and help detox enzymes.




How To Do a Tea Hair Rinse


  1. Choose your tea:

    Select a tea based on your hair needs and desired results. Different teas (see below) can be used for hair growth, hair strengthening, gray defense, and dry scalp treatment.  Here is a quiz that can help you find your best tea formula. 


  1. Steep the tea:

    Use 2-3 teaspoons of loose-leaf tea blend per cup of boiling water. Steep in a tea infuser, covered, for 30 minutes. If using tea bags, use 3-5 tea bags per 2 cups of boiling water.


  1. Let it cool:

    Allow the tea to cool completely before using it on your hair.


  1. Prepare your hair:

    While your tea is steeping and cooling, wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and towel-dry it until damp.


  1. Apply the rinse:

    Pour the cooled tea rinse into a spray bottle. Section your hair and spray your hair and scalp liberally until they are saturated.  Be sure to gently massage the tea rinse into your scalp to enhance absorption and to stimulate circulation. 


  1. Let it sit:

    After spraying down your hair, apply your favorite conditioner, wrap your hair in a plastic bag or shower cap, and let the tea rest for 20-30 minutes.


  1. Rinse it out:

    Rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water and then follow your usual post-conditioning styling routine.



How Often Should I Do a Tea Hair Rinse?

Most tea rinses should be done once a week. Ayurvedic tea rinses should typically be done monthly, depending on your hair's tolerance and desired results. Remember, moderation is key to avoid over-drying your hair.



Best Teas for Hair Rinses


  • Black Tea:

    Black and dark teas are best for brown or black hair. They help add shine and help to darken hair.


  • Green Tea:

    Stimulates hair growth and soothes sensitive scalps, good for all hair types.


  • Chamomile Tea:

    Helps to lighten blonde hair and adds highlights, calms irritation.


  • Hibiscus Tea:

    Enhances red hair color and adds volume, perfect for fine hair.


  • Rosemary Tea:

    Stimulates hair follicles and reduces dandruff, ideal for thinning hair. Look for a tea blend that contains rosemary as a key ingredient, along with other growth supporting botanicals.


  • Peppermint Tea:

    Peppermint soothes the scalp and enhances hair growth by boosting blood circulation.



Reduce Hair Shedding with Tea

Teas, including green and black teas, can be used for hair loss and hair shedding.  Green tea is rich in a potent antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).  EGCG helps block DHT, a compound associated with hair loss.  EGCG is also believed to promote hair growth and stimulate the hair follicles.  Black tea is used by those experiencing hair loss and shedding.  It is rich in caffeine, which has been shown to help stimulate hair growth. Peppermint and rosemary have both been reported to stimulate hair follicles and enhance hair growth.  Tricho+Gro AOx green tea hair rinse contains a scientifically formulated blend of peppermint, rosemary, green tea and amla to boost growth and reduce hair shedding.


Achieve Stronger Healthier: Start the Tea Hair Rinse Journey

Incorporating tea hair rinses into your hair care routine is a natural and effective way to boost growth, reduce hair shedding, strengthen your strands, boost shine, defend against graying, and improve scalp health.  Depending on your goals, there's a tea rinse tailored to your needs.



Tricho+Gro AOxâ„¢ - Green Tea Hair Rinse
tea hair rinse for hair growth